Rhinoplasty is a surgery in the process of which, we change the shape of the nose. The aim of the surgery may be to change one’s appearance, improving breathing through the nose or both.
The aesthetic harmony and proportion of the entire face is important. The function of the nose also cannot be ignored, in the case of rhinoplasty – breathing, which must go hand in hand with aesthetics. It is important to correct asymmetry, taking into consideration other possible face asymmetries, which appear almost in all people.
I have for over 30 years dealt with rhinoplasty. Regular training abroad and literature of the field assist in keeping skills on a contemporary level.
Rhinoplasty is one of the most complex, if not the most complex types of plastic surgery, of which the spectrum of technical possibilities is variegated, as well as continually augmented. I have learned during my practice that there is no single correct method, which should be preferred to others. The selection of the surgery technique depends on the individual need. The aesthetic and anatomic analysis prior to the surgery is very important, in order to compile for each patient, precisely the operation plan that suits them.
It is often possible, if after rhinoplasty there are aesthetic shortcomings, to correct them in the process of a revision surgery. I therefore encourage all my patients to come for a free repeat visit, even years after the rhinoplasty was performed, to evaluate the result achieved.